Well, it’s Friday the 8th of July. I’ve already registered for Diva Las Vegas, happening in October. I haven’t really crossdressed for a couple of years, and definitely not out in the open. How am I going to start getting ready for time out with others at Diva Las Vegas? Read about my first crossdressing outing in preparation for Diva Las Vegas.
Category: Sami’s Week
The Crossdresser Report Returns! – Sami’s Week
Surprise! After quite some time, I am proud to announce that The Crossdresser Report is returning. I will let you in on the disappearing act and what has changed recently.
Crossdressing in the New Neighborhood – Sami’s Week
Yes! It has finally happened! I have moved from the Midwestern United States to Las Vegas, Nevada. One of the big reasons for moving is to live in a culture that is more friendly to crossdressers. If you want to read about how crossdressing in the new neighborhood is going, keep reading!
Ease into Crossdressing
Are you someone who has just started thinking about trying crossdressing? Perhaps it is something that has intrigued you, but you don’t know where to start. I ran across an interesting video (sadly it is no longer up to view…) that I wish I had seen when I first gave crossdressing a try. It would have helped me to become comfortable with crossdressing much sooner. Continue reading for the step-by-step guide for easing into crossdressing.
Crossdressing Plans in the Making – Sami’s Week
How many times have you made plans for the future, only to see those crossdressing plans go awry? Do you adapt those plans to the new situation, or simply give up?
My personal plans for this year, including my plans for crossdressing, haven’t gone the way I expected. The good news is that is about to change. Be sure to continue reading to get the scoop. Perhaps there will be a nugget that will help you with your own plans.