Sonic Drive-In at Night

First Crossdressing Outing Before Diva Las Vegas – Sami’s Week

Well, it’s Friday the 8th of July. I’ve already registered for Diva Las Vegas, happening in October. I haven’t really crossdressed for a couple of years, and definitely not out in the open. How am I going to start getting ready for time out with others at Diva Las Vegas? Read about my first crossdressing outing in preparation for Diva Las Vegas.

Building Crossdressing Confidence

Building Crossdressing Confidence

I spend time daily reading the online forums on In my opinion, I think the participants fall into two categories: those who are confident with their crossdressing, and those who are not. I think most participants are those who are less confident. The site is a terrific resource for building crossdressing confidence, because those who are insecure can learn so much from the advice of those who have become at ease with their crossdressing.